Thursday, June 10, 2010


can't wait for some summer lovin'! <3

superr duperr excited to go to japan in 16 days! keke
i still have so much preparation to do though. errands to do, lists to make, books to read, etc.. before going..sighh
BUT i'm still superrr stoked!

that's just a small portion of my summer, the other 2 months is gonna be awesome too! =D 'cause i gotta feeling, woohoooo
i'm gonna spend as much time as i can hanging out and spending time with people that matter to me. <3
AHH can't waittt!!!

but my summer is also my time to regroup and refocus. i need to start practicing GRE's, get my license, and get an internship or job. oh yeah i also need to start exercising and eating healthy. AHHH hope everything goes well. hope i can accomplish all my goalss.
i'm feeling pretty good about everything noww. i'm so pumped! haha